I’m dangling off the edge of an airborne helicopter, watching wildlife scatter as we pass over them in a flurry of sound and wind. I look back at the running wildebeests as we fly low and fast. I look up and see the helicopter rotor blades and wonder why I can’t feel a blast of […]
Dodocase Kickstarter DYI VR Kit
Dodocase were one of the first to release a Google Cardboard kit complete with lenses and magnets, providing a full cheap VR experience using the Google Cardboard platform. Now, via Kickstarter, Dodocase are involved in the DIY VR movement, with the aim of making VR available to everyone and anyone regardless of price or technology barriers. […]
The Zeiss VR One Is The Best Google Cardboard
Hey there, it’s Ritchie D here. If you follow my channel you’ll know that I’ve been getting into mobile virtual reality lately, and my last segment looked at the VR One from Zeiss. I’ll be honest, I didn’t get the VR One headset so I could jump into their ecosystem, I actually thought it would […]
Best On-Air Reaction to Google Cardboard EVER
There are standard reactions to new technology, then there is that “WOW!” moment you manage to capture on video and audio. Case in point: my tech segment on Radio 2GB last Saturday was all about Chromecast, 3D televisions and how kids consumed content these days. However, the killer moment came when I started to […]