As a consumer of virtual reality hardware and software, I’ve been blown away with the variety and depth of the VR content that I’ve been able to either purchase or try out over the last year. It’s very easy to become a little jaded after experiencing professional content of computer generated and video-based producers. […]
You’re Never Too Old To Learn New Tricks!
A few weeks ago, a lady named Joyce called during my show with Susie Elelman on 2GB. Joyce was looking for a solution to put her memoirs down on paper, but was struggling because she’s extremely visually impaired. She has a notebook PC but it’s very difficult to type, even with a Vision Australia modified […]
Want to Join My Virtual Garage Band?
Everyone has their own way of unwinding after a long day, and mine is to pound the skins on my Yamaha DTXplorer electronic drum kit. As you can see from the video, the fold away kit actually fits very nicely in my room in front of the familiar blue couch. Thanks to my riffing mate […]
Youtube Announces Subscription Service
Yesterday, Youtube announced what many of us have been hearing for a while – a music streaming servic called Youtube Music Key that ties in both music videos via Youtube, and audio tracks from Google Play Music. I’m currently a user of Spotify, and I like the interface, the quality of the music when downloaded […]
The iPhone 6 Plus Bends.
Earlier, I had looked at the iPhone 6 Plus as a potentially awesome Google Phone. Of course, only a couple of days later, the interwebs were choking with news that the iPhone 6 Plus bends. It pretty much took over the entire smartphone discussion sphere around the world, and naturally spawned thousands of memes, […]
Is The iPhone 6 Plus A Good Google Phone?
So here’s a question I never, in a million years thought I’d find myself asking – could an iPhone be a decent or even great Google phone? The iPhone 6 release is the probably the most fundamental shift in Apple’s smartphone strategy since the dawn of the iPhone all those years ago. I had the […]
A (Mock) Response to the Daily Show’s Glass Segment
Hi Mr Stewart, I’m Ritchie, and I’m appalled at the conduct of your reporter, Jason Jones, in his duplicitous interrogation of those young men and women fighting for their rights to be given access to the bars and entertainment venues of their choice regardless of their borg transforming, openly mockable, slightly creepy headwear. For these […]
LG’s New Smartphone Ad Is Cringeworthy
We made a bit of fuss about the appearance of two curved phones back when LG and Samsung released information on their models – the LG G Flex, and the Samsung Round. However, I had NO IDEA that LG would produce such a memorably ad to support their new phone, and that it would go […]
Michael Bay’s CES Meltdown Could Have Been Worse
When I heard that the legendary Michael Bay would be presenting at the Samsung event at this year’s CES in Las Vegas, I was pretty pumped. I couldn’t care less what the critics say, I’m a big Transformers fan from my childhood and this dude has brought my little imaginary robot fight scenes to life […]
John Legend’s All of Me, The Gadget Addict Version
Okay, so after the “confession” video a couple of months ago, I really wanted to extend that “performance art” into something even more… serious (if that’s the right word). So I wandered around, looking for inspiration from any place or person. After all, obsession with tech products is kinda my thing, and it was fun, […]